

1. Sample HTML(5) document

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<!--comment: code HTML5 added-->
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<!--embed script and css file-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="#">
<script src="#"></script>
<!--code here // display in browser-->

You can see the structure of HTML document. HTML is standard for Hypertext Markup Language.In this tutorial, you have to remember popular HTML tags: <title>,<body>,<html>,<style>,<script>,<h1>-<h6>,<title>, and several tags to make a list, menu bar:<ul><li>,<ol>, several tags in table<tr>,<td> but Grid system is very simple and fast to divided layout of website.I think you should read more about its. Some tags to display image or video in HTML on your website: <img><video><iframe> but more front-end developer advised you limit to use iframe to embed google map or facebook fanpage in your website because it make pageload slowly.

#OS system basic to hack

##Kali linux 2


title: Know system basic to hack par 1
date: 2016-10-21 21:33:18

